Thursday, 5 May 2016

Causes Of Missing Result

The Major Cause of Missing Result...
The occurrence of missing results overtime in IBBU has been inapplaudable and it is for this reason that IBBUL Campus Gist decided to venture into knowing the cause of this evil called missing result. Missing result has victimized the innocents. Missing result has caused so many to spill. Missing result has cut short so many GPs. Missing result have seen IBBULites dropped from second class lower (2.2) to third class. Missing result has given students sleepless nights. Missing result has led to students being withdrawn. Name them... The effect is enormous. Can it be possible to eradicate this traumatic evil called missing result?? Well, reading below shall tell.
As we await our first semester result, though we don't pray for missing result,  but it is inevitable. What are the causes of missing result?? Here are our findings below, after our interview with some few lecturers in the school: in a nut shell, there are two main causes...
One of these causes is that some students, out of probably exam tension or carelessness per say, do forget to write their details, such as matric number. Therefore, you can't expect a lecturer to manufacture a matric number for such booklet
And secondly, some students do submit their booklet in the wrong place i.e submitting were they are not suppose to submit. This however happens unknowingly, and it is for this very second reason that we write our today's article. It usually happens this way... Knowing that it's very very rare to write an exam, a single course in a hall, due to shortage of venue, atimes like three courses will be written in one hall, atimes, the invigilator can confuse one at the point of submission and he'll end up submitting at the wrong place. Atimes also, you might decide to submit were you see some of your coursemate submitting, not knowing that they are writing a carry over course.
In essence, all the above can be corrected when one applies the law of 'carefulness' also, we use this avenue to call on the relevant authorities to urge lecturers to always return any script/booklet they find among theirs, that does not belong to their course.
Finally we are wishing the serious IBBULites that have resumed a happy resumption.


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