Here are some facts that Science cant still explain till date. Most things exist and science are unable to give an accurate explanation for them examples:
1. 86 percent of the world are Right handed, science is yet to give an explanation for that.
2. During winter an insect called fireflies do light themselves the same time at night science is unable to provide explanation for this.
3. Birds do travel for more than than 50 kilometers without map or even GPS and still return to the same spot, science can't explain how this happens.
4. During grazing, cattles either face north or south to eat grass they Will never face west or east (I know you never noticed this) science can't explain why they choose the north or south to graze.
5. There's a region in Mexico where no radio wave can be received,in fact no electronic transmission is possible there. Science has no explanation to this.
6. Scientist can't still give an explanation why we need sleep
7. Why do magnet always have North and south poles? when u divide magnet into two each fragment will still comes out to have a north and south poles
8.The most puzzling of all of them if you ask me, how do you explain love? There are a bunch of experiments that claim that love is hormones, and that "true love" isn't real. But there isn't a definite way to prove that given love's outrageous tendencies.You can be in love one day and absolutely hate the same person the next day. Chemical reactions make sense, but the speed of which they happen or are overcome make any research with them very strange.
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